Why the summer holidays are the perfect time for incentives

Despite the name, the British Summer holiday is a curiously fraught affair.
While few among us can resist the allure of those high temperatures, long evenings and weeks of leisure and luxury, the reality is often much more strained: parents need to manage their time between work and family, and as the cost-of-living crisis eats into our luxury spending, many are struggling to budget for a financially demanding three months.

That's not to say the summer holidays can't be a delight, of course, but they can certainly arrive with an air of panic. Could your organisation provide a solution to take the stress out of the summer holidays whilst retaining the goodwill of customers and colleagues?

Everything under the sun

The Summer holidays are more than just time off. For many, they're an invaluable opportunity to spend time with their loved ones. They're also an opportunity to reflect, to practice self-care and to improve our personal wellbeing: values that businesses and individuals hold dear in a post-Covid economy.

Similarly, your customer relationships are more than transactional. In earning the trust of your demographic, you nurture a personal attachment that keeps them feeling seen, serviced, understood, and most importantly, valued. As they navigate the potentially complex summer holiday period, is it not the perfect time to demonstrate just how valued they are?

Cutting the costs and complexities of the summer holidays - all while creating memories that your customers will treasure - creates a long-lasting impression that goes far beyond your typical service offerings. Most importantly, it reminds customers why they choose your business above all others, nurturing long-lasting customer relationships.


A Forecast for success

At Lock-In Marketing, we provide tailored solutions that are attractive to your customers and affordable to your business. With our reward-led incentives, you help make the holidays simpler and more special for the customers you serve every day.  

Find out how a curated incentive program makes your customers feel appreciated and equates your business with fond family memories.


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